We can be empowered as we work effectively with our diverse stakeholders, sustain a values-aligned culture in our organizations, inspire cohesion on our teams or engage our peers and partners in creative collaborations. Loam offers a variety of design and facilitation services that infuse belonging and care into your programs, teams, organizations, networks and coalitions.

Our Design & Facilitation Services

  • Program Design & Facilitation

    Engaged and interactive trainings, orientations cohort experiences and other educational programs that enhance and amplify community 

  • Retreat Design & Facilitation

     Spacious, playful and inspiring team building sessions to deepen trust, embrace our humanity and co-vision for the future

  • Organizational Culture Craft

    Co-creative, values-aligned environments that cultivate trust, bottom-up growth, shared leadership and solutions that stick

  • Leadership Development

    Customized one-on-one or group experiences that deepen awareness, encourage agency and align actions in order to develop the capacity and confidence to lead.

  • In- House Facilitation Training

    Customized and co-creative group training to embrace and embody relational mindsets and methods that guide collaboration, decision making and collective action 

  • In-House Skill Builders

    Reflective and interactive learning community that offers practical tools and techniques to create shared language, build collective skills and sharpen the groups ability to animate change 

  • Group Co-Facilitation

    Network gatherings, coalition meetings, conferences or any confluence of community were facilitation support may be needed.