"These times are urgent; let us slow down” - Bayo Akomolafe

Our Story

We have been co-conspirators since 2018, Loam since 2021 and Johns Hopkins Social Innovation Lab Alumni since 2022.

We are Kasey Armstrong and Sam Novak. We met in graduate school studying whole systems thinking and social change. Our alumni community was self-organized, but spread out across the country. In 2017 Sam, in need of a stronger sense of community and comradery in her work, reached out with a simple question: “Does anyone out there want to get together to nerd out about systems change?” Kasey raised her hand and the rest is history.

We entered into a slow, spirited connection of swapping stories and sharing perspectives on the joys and heartaches of challenging the status quo and, with no expectations, became great friends before we became great collaborators. That relationship has grown into Loam.

We are honored to be supporting humans and organizations who are doing the sacred work of changemaking to bring about better, more beautiful futures. We work to leverage our privilege as white/non-indigenous, cis-gendered women towards solidarity and shared power. And, we choose to work with humans we love.

Inspirations & Influences

The ideas and practices we offer through our work, while sometimes shaped by us, largely originate from the work and genius of many scholars and practitioners who have come before us and who do this work alongside and around us. We attempt to decolonize our work through accountability to lineage, ongoing learning, and recognition and amplification of the peoples and places from where these ideas originate. People who heavily influence our thinking include…

adrienne maree brown, Nora Bateson, Bayo Akomolafe, Donella Meadows, Robin Wall Kimmerer, bell hooks, Mary Oliver, Joanna Macey, Peter Block and more.