Building capacity and confidence to embody change

What We Do

Loam creates space for leaders and leaderful teams to practice relational change through education, coaching, design and facilitation. We support humans, organizations and communities building their capacity and confidence to embody change.

Our Offerings & Services

  • Education & Training

    Learning is at the heart of what it means to be human. We ground our learning experiences in the idea that participants and facilitators are co-creators of knowledge, intentionally weaving our contexts and wisdom together. Our approach invites whole person learning centered in reflective practice on real world experience. Join a learning community and explore, share and practice relationship-centered frameworks, tools and techniques to changemaking.

  • Leadership Coaching

    Change happens at every scale, including the individual. We know that If you’re trying to make change in the world, your life has to be primary practice ground. Whether one-on-one or in a group setting, coaching supports you to slow down and tune in to your authentic way of being in the world, reconnect with a sense of joy or possibility in your work, feel empowered to align your leadership with your values, and be confident and creative as you contribute your gifts to the world.

  • Design & Facilitation

    Small groups carry the potential for transformations that ripple outward. We support programs, organizations, networks, and other initiatives in crafting relational teams and cultures that more deeply align with and support their work in the world. We approach this work as partnered learners, guiding you through creative processes to harness your own wisdom and generate sustainable solutions that stick.